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UNDP Representative Bids Farewell to CJ
(L-R): Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo, Chief Justice and Ms Attafuah out going Resident Representative of - UNDP to Uganda

Thursday January 11, 2024: Ms Elsie G. Attafuah, the Resident Representative of - UNDP paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo, in his chambers at the Judiciary Headquarters.

The purpose of the visit was to bid him farewell as she ends her tour of duty in Uganda this month.

Ms Attafuah was accompanied by Ms Beatrice Mugambe, a Senior Gender Advisor and Mr David Maina, a Technical advisor UNDP.

Ms Attafuah thanked the Chief Justice for fostering the relationship between the UN agency and the Judiciary.

Posted 11th, January 2024
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